Windy Field Farms-Field Fresh Feeds

Farming Practices and Philosophies

  • No seed treatments. Seed treatments are chemicals put on seeds to protect against insects and fungus that can attack the seeds. This treatment usually includes the controversial neonicitinoids. Crop variety and timely planting makes this unnecessary.
  • No fungicide on growing plants. With high plant populations and unfavourable weather, the plants become stressed and get infections of molds and fungus. There are varieties and agronomic methods to combat these problems.
  • No pre- harvest applications of Roundup or other extremely toxic herbicides.
  • This is extremely dangerous and causes very high residues in the food.
  •  No chemicals on grain in storage. When grain is stored in volume, especially in warm climates, the insects are attracted to the seeds and start to infest the grain pile. Cleaning of storage areas as well as treating grain with diotomaceus earth will control insects.
  • No Gmo's. Contrary to “established opinion”, Gmo's are not proven safe. There is a growing indisputable evidence of allergicity and toxicity. The track record of safety is confirmed with products taken off the market in the past.
  • There are many older and newer crop varieties that perform very well without baggage of “ foreign DNA” in the plant.
  • Picking plant varieties that grow well in your area and replanting them allows nature to adapt the plant even more.

Ralph's Corner

We have been growing crops on our farm for many years. During the passing of all these years there has been many changes. With the technology, the tractors, planting and harvesting machinery has become larger, more reliable and more efficient. The rate of change seems to be faster and faster, and farms are scrambling to keep on the treadmill of “ latest technology”. It comes with a big price tag, whether it is a new combine or the latest in seed technology.

With regards to new seed varieties, we are now in an era of multinational seed companies that sell patented seeds to farmers. Farmers sign strict agreements that they will not replant the seed that they reproduce.

With the introduction of genetically modified seeds “ GMO”, there has been an accelerated consolidation of private seed companies. There are very few independent seed breeding companies left.

The last several years after hearing of health anomalies, I have been researching for useful information regarding “ GMO” technology. The more I looked, the more it was obvious that the public government and universities are being mislead about the safety and and sustainability of this technology. There is no long term testing of GMO's. It does impact the health and the environment.

Non- GMO is a way to erode the tentacles of the technology trap “ of the corporations”. A non- GMO approach is more sustainable. When approached with integrated pest management it is a great compromise to going full organic production. With proper crop rotation and good plant varieties, most chemicals can be eliminated. The less synthetic chemicals and genetically modified organisms in our food and in our environment the better it is for a healthy environment. - Ralph Baumlisberger

Copyright Windy Field Farms